E. L. Doctorow once said, “Writing is an exploration. You start from nothing and learn as you go. Going to college bears a very similar process because you come in, blind to what you should expect and as you advance further, you learn not only through the world of academia, but you discover what makes you who you are. In college, I discovered that writing is what makes me who I am. Writing has always been a creative outlet for me to express how I think and feel, even when everything else seems to fail. There is something profound about getting it all down on paper and putting your heart out there on display for all to see.
I believe that writers have the ability to feel and express emotions differently than anyone else because their words and their writing make them vulnerable to their readers. Every time a writer creates a piece, they are putting their ideas, thoughts, emotions, and heart out there on display, hoping to get a positive response from their perspective readers. It is one thing to create something and put a pen to paper because anyone and everyone has the ability to write. But it is a whole different story to choose to share it with the world. It takes courage to share your work with others, to take criticism and look at it as a way to improve, instead of something negative and hurtful.
The criticism you may receive will hopefully be constructive, but sometimes it doesn’t always work out that way. Your writing should have self-value, though. The important thing to remember is that as long as your writing means something to you, then your piece was a success. Even if only you and one other person who reads your writing are able to connect and relate to it, then that’s all you need.
Writing can not only change our perspective of the world, but it is a way to get creative and bring people together through the power of written word.
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