Have you ever just found something annoying? Like so annoying that it gets under your skin, makes you cringe, or is just downright wrong? I think everyone has pet peeves or things that bother them so much, that you just want to say, “Can you just stop already?”
Here are five of the most irritating book pet peeves:
When you get lost in a book only to have it end poorly
Okay, so have you ever got so completely lost in a book? I mean so lost that you lose track of time. So lost you can’t even remember what day it is. Good books will definitely have this effect on you, but it is the absolute worse when you dedicate all this time and energy to one story, only to have it end badly. For example, you get so attached to a character and the author decides to kill them off in the end or the book has a great climax and level of suspense and in the end it just plateaus. Boring...
When this happens, I often feel deceived. Books, one of the things I love most, just betrayed and broke my trust.
When there is someone being loud and disruptive while you are trying to read
Shhhhhhhh! I’m reading over here...
I don’t know about anyone else, but I have a hard time reading when there is a lot of loud noise or any sort of distraction around me. When this happens, it becomes hard to get lost in the story of the book and concentrate.
Personally, I need to have peace and quiet when I read a book because it helps for me to completely lose myself and really focus on the words in front of me.
When people say that the movie is better than the book
I want to tell these people that they aren’t allowed to read books again. NEVER. HAVE. I. EVER liked a movie based off a book more than the book itself. Is our world one that likes to see things play out on screen, where we can visually see it? Yes, we are, but movies are simply unable to capture all the greatness and details that a single book contains. If a movie were to do so, it would be more than five hours long and cost way more money than it does doing what I would call an abridged version of the book.
The funny thing is when I read a book before a movie that I enjoyed, it is easy for me to pick out where in the movie they didn’t include things that were clearly in the book.
When people bend their paperback covers while they read their book
Now, look what you just did...
Why do people bend the cover back while they read paperbacks? Is it more comfortable? Is it more out of convenience? Is it easier to hold? I guess it is the mix of all three, but it takes is one time and your book will never be the same again. Hold your book this way one single time, and your book will be scarred for life. The cover will no longer lay flat upon its pages. Your cover’s appearance will be tainted and flawed.
Authors bled their hearts out onto these pages, so show your book some respect. Don’t be lazy. Hold your book the right way, and as always, enjoy the book.
When they change the cover design of a book to its movie poster adaptation
When books change their cover design to its movie poster adaptation, it simply drives me crazy! Like why change something that is already great as it is. The saying goes, “If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it.” To me, this change kind of takes away from the book itself. I understand that they change it to attract a new audience because this audience purchases the book based on either seeing the movie or hearing of it.
Majority of the time though, books are way better than their movies because of the imagery and details that movies can always capture in their entirety.
Let’s leave well enough alone, and move on with our lives.
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