Vision Boards: Where Your Dreams Come to Life I was inspired to create a vision board toward the end of my senior year of college. I had seen characters in movies and shows create vision boards that they have proudly displayed on their bedroom walls, and I figured it wouldn’t hurt to make one. I couldn’t have chosen a better time either because I was about to enter the real world. I had no idea where I was going, which most people struggle with when they graduate from college. School was all I ever knew. School had been my reality for the past 16 years and there I was, a college graduate and I didn’t know what my first step would be. Purpose Behind Vision Boards They say that seeing isn’t believing, but in the case of vision boards, it’s quite the opposite. Vision boards are meant to help you visualize and manifest your dreams and aspirations for your life. According to Neurologist Tara Swart, “Looking at images on a vision board primes the brain...